About to put on the Harpsicle to play an Irish Reel

About to put on the Harpsicle to play an Irish Reel

Yes, The Harp came from Egypt, not Greece or Ireland

Yes, The Harp came from Egypt, not Greece or Ireland

Ever wonder exactly how the magic inside a pedal harp works? Find out on July 10 at I am giving a talk/performance at Nerd Nite NYC
Galapagos Art Space DUMBO
16 Main Street in DUMBO Brooklyn (F train to York St. or A/C train to High St.)
Friday July 10, 2009

Harpo Marx and Mr. Dali

Harpo Marx and Mr. Dali

how a pedal harp works, Nerd Nite NYC July 10 Galapogos from harpgrrl on Vimeo.

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